Monday, 28 March 2011

Did you know I'm in a band?

Yep, my friend and I, Rose, form a band called Liquid Speed. We're working on our first album and everything's  all good at the moment. Hopefully it will be done by the summer holidays.
I use the iPad and Mac product Garage Band to write our songs. They aren't the best, but it's coming long well at the moment.

<Yes, we have very weird album art. That probably won't be the final version. I drew it. Not the best.

If you are in a band/like music, where do you get your inspiration from?
Any 'band updates' will be tagged:)


  1. Is it just the two of you, or are there others?

    And I also suggest that if you are going to use tags, to put a labels widget somewhere in your sidebar so that people can find them later. ^^

  2. Yes. But we are hoping to expand:)

    And good idea, onto that now!!
